
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If I found the Mildenhall Treasure...

One day, I was kicking a ball in the yard when I accidently kicked the ground and a piece of grass lifted up. I saw something shinny under the piece of grass. I wanted to see what it was so I kept on digging. Once I finished, I saw that it was lots of beautiful plates. I showed my mom and she seemed really amazed. She told me to take it to a person in a museum to tell me what it was. The next day my mom took me to the museum. I met the person that was there. He told me that they were acient Roman plates and that the Romans used them to put wine. He also told me that the face in the middle was the god of wine, Bacchus. It was underground for 1500 years!

I went home and told my mom all the information that he told me. My mom told me that I should probably sell it to the museum and use the money to buy stuff. I asked her what I could buy and she said that we could all be rich and have a better house and I said ok. We went back to the museum that same day and told them that we wanted to sell it to the museum.The manager said that he would pay us 1,000,000 Riyals for it. Me and my mom said yes straight away.

We went home and talked with my dad to decide if we wanted to move to West Bay Lagoon and get a villa with a beach in the yard. We all sat down and talk to see if we wanted to move there. In the end, we all agreed that we did. we called all the moving trucks and we moved straight away. My room in the house was enormous and full of cool and expensive stuff. My whole family was comfortable with the house so we stayed there.
                                                                      THE END


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today  I woke up and I ate breakfast. Later I ate lunch then went to the Islamic Art museum. I went there for classes. During the classes we drew the design on ceramics. We drew them in pencil then went over them in oil pastel. Then we got a brush and painted over it in blue ink. After I got home and me and my friend in the compound played at the compound playground we went on the swings, the slides and the see-saw. Later I had to go home. I ate dinner and I went to sleep.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday the 18th of Febuary

Today I went with a friend to see a movie in villagio. The movie was called Gnomeo and Julliet. The movie  was about two neighbors that always have fights and when they leave their homes the garden decorations all come to life and they fight. After watching the movie, I went to the house of the friend that I was watching the movie with. At her house we played  tennis and jumped on a trampoline then watched Harry Potter. After my mom came and picked me up and when we got home we all went to sleep.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Wednesday the 16th of Febuary

Today me and my brother went to the dentist with my mom. my brother had one small cavity and i had none.After  going to the dentist we went to KFC. I ate chicken, my brother  ate a chicken sandwitch and my mom ate chicken. Then went home and our compound played a game of basketball. it was me and my brother against three other people. our team lost. then we came home and ate dinner and later we went to sleep.
